22live offers ATA Carnet service to touring hire clients

February 29th 2024

22live has sought membership of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce in order that it is able to offer its touring hire clients an in-house ATA carnet service.

What is an ATA Carnet?

An ATA Carnet is an international Customs document that operates like a passport for goods. It allows the temporary importation of goods into countries that are part of the ATA Carnet system and avoids you having to pay unnecessary taxes or duties. 

ATA Carnets cover all goods that are leaving the UK and returning within a 12 month period. They do not cover disposable goods that will be used while out of the country or items that will not be returning to the UK.

If you are going out to European exhibitions, taking items to business meetings as commercial samples or if items are going out as professional equipment, for example, lighting and rigging for a band going on tour, you will likely need a carnet.

22live Carnet service

All touring jobs that carry equipment from 22live outside of the UK require an ATA carnet, and so to simplify this process for our touring clients we are now able to supply these documents as an addition to our usual rental service. Our aim with this offering is purely to make life easier for our clients making us a better choice of vendor for touring work, and to give our customers a better and more complete experience.

Please ask us for more details.


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